Help your laboratory reduce handling errors and waste while saving time with efficiencies.
LGC Clinical Diagnostics' Quality Measurement Tools are liquid, ready-to-use, and deliver efficiencies, allowing laboratories to report patient results with confidence.
Our independent Quality Measurement Tools, used with our automated software, simplify Quality Control and linearity and calibration verification data management, providing a unique and comprehensive value add.
And now, with KOVA International and Biochemical Diagnostics, we've added the following quality controls to our portfolio:
- Toxicology
- Urinalysis
Find out how you can save your laboratory time and money by filling out the form.
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Our QMT Product Portfolio
A one-stop shop for all of your quality controls, linearity and calibration verification needs.
Linearity & Calibration Verification Tools
VALIDATE ready-to-use kits are designed to assist in the documentation of linearity, calibration verification, and verification of linear range required by many inspection agencies. VALIDATE will also provide assistance when troubleshooting instrument systems, reagent problems, and calibration anomalies.
Quality Controls & Reference Materials
Empower your results and challenge your methods with ACCURUN serology controls and reference materials. ACCURUN controls and reference materials are designed to be weakly reactive to help monitor your serology assays and provide additional confidence in your laboratory test results.
Multichem is our class leading third party test-consolidated QC product range. With an extensive list of analytes included in our Multichem product range - quality, choice and flexibility is guaranteed for all customers.
Quality Controls
KOVA-Trol is a line of lyophilized, human, urine-based controls providing complete quality control for the physical, chemical and microscopic examination of urine specimens. It is available in three levels to monitor the entire decision range: High Abnormal (with or without urobilinogen), Low Abnormal and Normal. Values are assigned for visual and instrument reading on all major systems. KOVA-Trol provides you the maximum in quality control information for urinalysis testing.
Immunoassay Controls
DETECTABUSE liquid urine controls are designed to monitor the performance with Immunoassay analyzers such as Siemens, Roche, Danaher (Beckman) and Abbott. Our DETECTABUSE SERIES Immunoassay controls has been the gold standard for testing since 1991 and are 510k, DEA exempt, and CE registered.